eGovernment Resources

Federal Government Information

Government Agencies & Elected Officials – is your online guide to government information and services

Government Track tracks the United States Congress and helps Americans understand what goes on in the national legislature.  Want to go beyond the official record?  Check out the statistical analyses, bill summaries, and other tools to put information in context.

Do Not Call Registry – Tired of the telemarketers?  Sign up at the Do Not Call Registry.  Already have and still getting calls?  Register a complaint.

A to Z List of All Federal Agencies – This page lists all federal departments and agencies and lets you search for a department or agency by name as well.

Contact U.S. Senators – This page lists all current U.S. Senators by state with links to their websites, phone numbers, and email addresses.

Find My U.S. Representative – Enter your zip code to find your U.S. Representative and find links to his/her website and contact information.

Health and Healthcare – This site directs you, based on your state of residence, to purchase insurance through either the appropriate state or federal health insurance marketplace.

Medline Plus – Medical information in English and over 45 other languages for patients and their families and friends.  Find drug information, an illustrated medical encyclopedia, the latest health news and tools such as calculators, quizzes and questionnaires.

CDC Healthy Living – The Healthy Living section of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) site covers specific health conditions, health at different life stages, and health concerns for specific populations.

Medicare – Medicare is a health insurance program for people aged 65 and over who have paid into the system through payroll taxes on their wages.  In order to receive benefits, you need to enroll.  Getting Started with Medicare gives more information about setting up Medicare.

Assistance, Retirement, and Student Aid

Disaster Assistance – Find out if your address is in a declared disaster area and get links to local FEMA and Red Cross centers.

Social Security Administration (SSA) – The SSA manages social security payments, which include retirement, disability, and survivor benefits paid in through a payroll tax on your wages.  This page includes tools to understand your contributions so far and estimate future payments.  In order to start receiving retirement benefits, you need to enroll. 

Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Application – The FAFSA is a free student aid application managed by the US Department of Education.  Most colleges and universities encourage students to fill out this application as part of the process for determining financial aid.  Aid packages typically include a combination of grants (money you don’t have to pay back), loans, and work-study funds.

US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)  – The US Department of Veterans Affairs administers all benefits for US military veterans, their families, and survivors.  This includes health care, education, and burial benefits.